FAA Estimates 7 Million Drones Flying Over America By 2020
- March 27, 2018
- Posted by: Tess Siemon
- Category: Business Insurance Lines, Innovation, Miscellaneous, Personal, Recreational, Resources
No CommentsYou unwrap your new drone, charge up the batteries and can’t wait to test it under the open skies. But there are a few things you need to know before you take flight. Unmanned aircraft are subject to Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”) rules that govern when, how and where you can fly a drone. They also
What is General Liability Insurance?
- April 13, 2017
- Posted by: Tess Siemon
- Category: Business Insurance Lines, General Liability
Also known as Business Liability Insurance, general liability insurance protects you and your business from “general” claims involving bodily injuries and property damage. Almost every business has a need for general liability insurance. General Liability Insurance Definition General liability insurance can help cover medical expenses and attorney fees resulting from bodily injuries and property damage
5 Reasons Why Your Auto Insurance Rates May Seem High
- January 30, 2017
- Posted by: Tess Siemon
- Category: Auto, Business Insurance Lines, Commercial Auto
We hear it from drivers from all walks of life: “I’m paying too much for car insurance.” Seems we all know someone who’s paying way less, and we want to cut our own rates, too. As independent insurance agents, we can check with multiple carriers on your behalf to find out if you may indeed
10 Tips to Help Prevent Identity Theft
- January 18, 2017
- Posted by: Tess Siemon
- Category: Business Insurance Lines, Finance & accounting, Miscellaneous, Personal
Easy Steps to Help Protect Your Identity Shopping online. Visiting the doctor. Buying gas. In nearly all of the things we do from day to day, there’s the risk of identity theft. You could unknowingly give your information to a fraudster thinking you’re shopping at a legitimate site. Your doctor’s office could experience a data
Help Workers Stay Warm in Severe Cold Weather
- January 10, 2017
- Posted by: Tess Siemon
- Category: Business Insurance Lines, General Liability, Miscellaneous, Worker's Comp
Extreme cold can cause a number of health problems for employees during the winter months. Hypothermia and frostbite are just two conditions that may affect workers if the proper precautions are not taken. Hypothermia occurs when a person’s core body temperature drops below 95°F. The condition is considered mild if a person’s core temperature is
Sewer backup or overflow: Do You Know the Difference?
- December 21, 2016
- Posted by: Tess Siemon
- Category: Business Insurance Lines, Homeowners
What’s the difference between a sewer backup and a plumbing system overflow? A great deal of rain can overtax the sewer systems. This can cause water to flow backward through a property owner’s lateral pipes, through the drain, and into the basement. When water outside the insured’s plumbing system flows backward through the plumbing into
The Modern Office Brings Emerging Risks
- May 12, 2016
- Posted by: Tess Siemon
- Category: Business Insurance Lines
Pioneered in the workplaces of Silicon Valley, employee benefits, such as climbing walls, foosball tables, video games and the ability to bring pets into the office, are all emerging trends that emphasize collaboration and creativity. Risks that business owners might not have considered when implementing such programs include, but are not limited to, falls, strains